About BBS Rural India Foundadtion

B.B.S(Baba Butan Singh) Rural India Foundation has been founded with an intention to advance the growth of rural society. Youth are unemployed & disguised unemployment is the biggest problem. Here the B.B.S Rural Indian Foundation aim to propagate awareness among people & help them with self-employment process. This organization is based on working principle of altruism. We believe that no social change can be brought without paying proper devotion & fragmenting. Rural Society is a close society & many times it bans progressive change to inter it.

Vision And Mission

Baba Butan Singh Rural India Foundation (BBSRIF)is committed to social justice, sustainable development and human rights. The right to communicate freely is a basic human right and a necessity for sustainable development. Access to information is essential to informed decision-making at all levels. Our programmes aim to supplement rather than replace governmental efforts. They are implemented on a large scale to not only reach as many children as possible, but also to create an adoptable demonstration model for state governments.

Programme results and accountability

All programmes are designed to ensure that learning levels in schools and communities increase, education reaches all children who are in school or unable to use school facilities, and youth gets well trained for job opportunities.

We focus on holistic agriculture development and improving survival rate of every person across india. Our team also focus on all person specially children, who are suffering the life-threatening disease and who are physically handicapped.

Our mission is to provide the finest medical care and treatment for every kind of disease to the child. We initiate campaign to reach to remote areas and help doctors as well as strive to provide all kinds of required medicines